I absolutely LOVE when I get to do a model/glam photography shoot with people. Whether it be for a senior, model or boudoir type of shoot. It's a great way to give people a gift that allows them to see how beautiful they are.
Since 'beautiful' isn't a stereotypical compliment towards the male gender-is 'handsome' out of date or is 'sexy' better/appropriate? Either ways, I believe that guys like to feel attractive also. I've said that I don't give the option of dudeoir to people, but I photograph 'GQ' (In refers to the magazine. They haven't paid me for the advertisement nor have I paid for the right to use them as a reference. Please do not sue me.) male model (any fitness level) style shoots.
So...what does this mean?
For the guys, I will NOT shoot any nudity. Females-I have the same body parts, and worked at Victoria's Secret for a few years in college-so I'm completely fine with nudity. I don't shoot any 'pornographic' type of boudoir, of either sex. It's not comfort level, and doesn't fit my photography style.
Some male boudoir specialty photographers tend to tread that line sometimes. Since I have a certain level of comfort, I say 'GQ' male model style of session. This means: a guy can be down to his underwear without getting too 'happy.' Guys don't have to be in 'male model' shape to book the type of shoot. Guys just have to be okay with seeing the end result being how attractive they are.
If you want to book a boudoir or 'GQ' styled photoshoot, feel free to contact me. I do require with you in person before the scheduled shoot of this type. The gallery shows some photographs from past male 'model' or 'business' type of shoots.
Have a wonderful day! -Desiree