My official FIRST website blog!
Hello, and welcome to my website. The last bits of this site are finally coming together. As time goes on, you'll see more options to choose from, and photographs to view.
Many of you may ask: ''ve been in wedding photography and portrait photography for years. Why has it taken THIS long to have an official website?' Answer: I'm very picky when it comes to design and what I want from a site. Along with my worry of: 'Do I have ENOUGH of this or that type of photographs to fill this or that gallery?'
After much research, and much more deliberation over design, I found SquareSpace for a website host. I loved most of their designs, and options.
Now, you can check out some of my photographs here, and on social media. I hope that you enjoy this site. Let me know if you have any questions or comments.
Thanks! -Desiree