Boudoir with model Jenna

Since my boudoir portfolio hasn't been public, I have been working with a local modeling agency in Fargo, ND, Ultimate Image-Model, Talent, and Make-Up Management/Natalie Sparrow Management, to work with their talented models.

I am very excited to show you a few of the photographs from Jenna's boudoir session. Jenna was amazing to work with. Natalie Sparrow, who not only manages many model, artists, and makeup artists, is also a professional makeup artists herself. She wears many hats. She also did 'touch-up' make up for Jenna's session.

There will be two more blogs featuring models from Ultimate Image/Natalie Sparrow Management. Feel free to contact me to see my full boudoir portfolio in person, and to book a great photography shoot that boosts your confidence.