We all love our pets. Most of us probably have blurry photographs of our selfies with our pets. Then, if they're cute selfies...they're probably not great quality enough to print them at a professional lab. Believe me, our very first photograph with our dog as a puppy is much too blurry to print, and was taken with my cell phone. EEkk.
I've come up with a solution: Pet Mini Photo Days!
On Oct. 21st and 22nd I'm giving you an opportunity to get your 'selfie' with your pet or just of your pet, photographed by me at a HUGE discounted rate. Prints can be easily ordered. Your furry friend/family member must be up-to-date on their vaccinations, not be allergic to other pets, and be somewhat trained.
*Friday, October 21st day sessions will begin at 4:30 pm. Saturday, October 22nd will be most of the day. PLEASE RSVP and book a session in advanced. I will not give these kind of discounts on any other days of the year. Photoshoots will happen at my home studio, and/or a near by park in West Fargo, ND.